Sunday, May 30, 2010

50 Things To Make You Smile

If you are ever in a poopy mood, and come on lets face it everyone gets there sometimes, here is a list of things that you can find to make you feel better. They are in no specific order excluding number #1 because everyone knows hugs are one of the best things in the world. So whenever the grey skies cloud over and you need a pick me up give some of these a whirl.

1) Hugs- Find someone, ask for a hug, embrace, feel better.
2)Watch the end of the world (if you can't laugh at that then you should be sad because you don't have a sense of humor).
3)Read Oh, The Places You'll Go by Dr. Suess.
4)Watch Elf.
5)Make someone else smile. Why? 'Cause they're as contagious as yawns.
6)Do things that Bob Marley would do while you listen to his music.
7)Play a game of touch football.
8)If it's winter time, go snowshoeing.
9)Play with a puppy.
10)Call your best friend and talk it out, thats what they are their for among many other reasons.
11)Do something kind for someone else.
12)Listen to Van Morrison's (Straight to Your Heart) Like a Cannonball (This is more geared for Jen Cox, Mary, and Jon, but feel free to give it a try yourself).
13)Buy a canvas, some brushes, paint, and paint yourself a picture.
14)Take a walk.
15)Read some Shel Silverstein.
16)Think about why you are poopy, figure out how you are going to change your poopyness, and do it.
17)Do something that you have never done before.
18)Find your "Happy Place"... it worked for Happy, and then...
19) Watch Happy Gilmour.
20)Read All But My Life by Gerda Weissmann Klein. This is a very sad book but it will sure make you feel fortunate for everything you have in your life.
21)Listen to Louis Armstrong.
22)Watch Stormy Weather.
23)Check out what's going on at your local Art Museum.
24)Think of your favorite childhood memory.
25)Look through an old scrapbook.
26)Think of how you felt when KU won the NCAA Men's Basketball championship in 2008.
27)Play your favorite game.
28)Watch a Mel Brooks Film.
29)If you know how to play an instrument, play it.
30)Plan a trip for yourself and figure out when and how you are going to get there.
31)Go for a swim.
32)Turn some music on really loud and dance your heart out.
33)Go hang out with your favorite stuffed animal. If you don't have one buy one, and then hang out with it.
35)Go for a bike ride.
36)Take pictures of pretty things in nature.
37)Take pictures of architecture you find pretty.
38)Think of when KU won the Orange Bowl.
39)Think of the proudest moment in your life.
40)Smoke a fine cigar, and drink a fine scotch.
41)If you are lucky enough to be poopy when it's about to storm, watch the storm come in.
42)Write down you goals, and how you are going to achieve them.
43)Make a funny face.
44)Make yourself a nice dinner.
45)Get a massage.
47)Give someone a kiss, not make-out session, but just a nice kiss.
48)Learn something new.
49)Watch this music video on youtube and learn the dance moves .
50)Just smile- it takes more effort to frown anyways.


  1. what happened to 7,8 and 9, Matty?

  2. i don't know but it's there now. and that's all that matters.
